Russert kerry form 180

03.01.2015 11:58

Russert kerry form 180

Date added: 03.01.2015
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russert 180 kerry form

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Jan 31, 2005 - KERRY: Well, that's for others to judge, Tim. I don't know. .... RUSSERT: So they should sign Form 180s for themselves as well? KERRY: You ...
Feb 4, 2005 - On “Meet the Press” last Sunday, John Kerry admitted he had not been in ... You told Tim Russert that you would sign Standard Form 180 ...Jan 30, 2005 - John Kerry the question no reporter dared to ask him during the 2004 presidential campaign: Despite ... Russert: "Would you sign Form 180?".
Jan 30, 2005 - John Kerry, D-Mass., and Brian Williams, the anchor and managing editor ... RUSSERT: So they should sign Form 180s for themselves as well?
Jan 30, 2005 - Kerry Agrees to Sign Form 180 (Russert Nails Kerry For A Public Pledge, ... John Kerry, D-Mass.; Brian Williams, anchor and managing editor, ...
Some people are stating that Kerry pledged to sign the form and release ... RUSSERT: So they should sign Form 180s for themselves as well? o
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